X'mas 2008
That morning.... as usual la... the Holy Trinity church 7.30 mass... haix.... so early.... make me n Isaiah(my nephew who "CHECKS-IN" everytime he come back from KL) have to wake up soooooooooooooooooooooooooo early arh...... duh........ but depressingly..... though we woke up early.... as "early" as 6.55... we were able to reach da church by.. er..... 7.15... i think... then we were lucky to find place to sit......... but we were separated from dad n mum... so basicly.... it was the christmas ATmospHere in the church that keeps us( 'the' me n my nephew) awake... for a while only la.... then 'curi tidur' while father was giving his "saman"... -.-'''... u know la.... the head is like fishers pulling n letting go thier rod(up n down. up n down).. but we did it so'pro-ly'
when we woke up...... of coz father finish his 'saman' liaw la.... then we act lik we understood every SINGLE yes SINGLE word he've jux said... lol... anyway... after that... YESH... the time of FOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breakfast la.... AT PRemier 101... wa.... go there make me so "wei fong" ne... got one GIRL so SHi-Ok mannnnnnnnn...... my eyes jux glued on her.... but luckily..... im jux toooo good to be found out by the others wat i was doing expect the girl... -.-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <- wa my left side of my face is longer so can sweat more... paise..... -.-'''.....
need me to intro????
after FOOD TIME.................................... we went to AH KIK's house.... sure u dont know who wan la... then we went to MUM's elder 'bra' a.k.a. bro de bouse... n meet everyone ther to wish 'em merry Christmas..... but i dint take any pic..... coz i not desperate la... haiyo.......
there she is........ stilll blur blur.... squeezing wat eva PINK thing it is....
random......... er.... quite random........ but quite random already...
DINNER time!!!! at a restaurant behind Hock LeE...
nooodles nTAUHU
RAnDOM but being "identified" by Ivory as BIBLE!!!! -.-
SEe!!!! ISaiah.... er... licking while bitting while smelling the PORK????!!! O.o
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