the night in Rock road seafood restaurant....
er...... it alllll starts with a diinner plan...... n...... so we were here in this outside look old but inside look elegant restaurant.......... d dinnner actually start at 6.30.... but ler..... with all the halangan-s including from my 1 years young baby nephew who vomitted n caused around 20 minutes more time for his family to reach here because of the mess of his "spilled solution"... so... while we[ Fui che che + her husband + her daughter + her son + her cousin(me) + her man ku(my mama) + her uncle( my dada)] waited PATIENTLY for those 'late-comers'... shhhh..... no lar... jk only... followed by Ah neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee che che + family then the Ah chun ko ko family.... so ther we started d dinner at 7.31 min 11 sec... -.-'''' was that too accurate...? -.-''''.... crap.... those who serves here r either tooo girl-ish or tooooooooo 'cigaret'-smelled... but those r jux the little.... haix.. not sure... -.-'''... anyway..... here the fooooodddddddddddd comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheese wat... i forgot the name d..... it's alll time fav!!!
Kari + butter + PRAWN!!!!
MISSION accoplish.... *erk..........*
the sacred wine YARD.....
the KLI MAx
we saw A NATIONAL BADMINTON PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MR. Kooooooooooo K.K...... Evvryone(my family only la.... others got hang bulb at thiers eyes so dont know) shhhoooook hands with him while i was having muscle cramp everywher throughout my body... -.-'''''' wannna see his pic wait ar...
sorryyy... not in service.......