Interviewer : What is your birth date?
Muthu : 13th October
Interviewer : Which year?
Muthu : ... EVERY YEAR
Manager asked Muthu at an interview....
Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it?
Muthu replied: P-O-S-T-B-O- X
After returning back from a foreign trip, Muthu asked his wife, Do I look like a foreigner?
Wife : No! Why?
Muthu : In London, a lady asked me, "Are you a foreigner?".. that's why ..
One tourist from U.S.A.asked Muthu whether any great man born in this village or not .. and Muthu said .. "No sir, only babies were born here .. "
Muthu was doing experiment with cockroach. First he cut it's one leg and told WALK. WALK. Cockroach walked. Then he cut it's second leg and told the same. Cockroach walked. Then cut the third leg and did the same. At last he cut it's fourth leg and ordered it walk! But cockroach didn't walk.Suddenly Muthu said loudly, "I found it. If we cut cockroach's four legs, it becomes deaf. Muthu become a saint!
When Muthu was travelling with his wife in a motorised tricycle, the driver adjusted mirror. Muthu shouted, "You are trying to see my wife ? Sit back. I will drive.
Muthu went in a hotel. To wash hands he went to the washbasin. There he started washing the basin. Seeing this, the manager asked what was he doing. Muthu pointed towards the board " WASHBASIN"
Interviewer : Just imagine your in 20th floor in a building, it caught fire and how will you escape ?
Muthu : It's simple.. I will just stop my imagination .. :)
Oh .. i forgot .. the funniest part ..
On a political rally Muthu was arrested. Why ????????????Because, a woman journalist walking with a badge wrote "PRESS" on her right chest ... and he did it !
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Why British think that 80% of going(coming) to U.K. to STUDY LAW?
UK Immigration Officer: Purpose of visit?
Visitor: I'm here to study law, sir.
Officer: You know, you must have a lot of lawyers in Malaysia.
Visitor: Why do you say that?
Officer: Well, i've been here for a good twenty years, and I'd say 80% of Malaysians I see here say they're here to read law.
Visitor: Oh, really? That's really something i never knew. Hard to believe in fact.
Officer: Just you watch, then. You just stand here until the next Malaysian comes along, and I'll bet he's here to read law.
*Visitor waits for 5 mins, Ah Chong from Malaysia comes to immigration counter*
Officer: Mr. Ah Chong, purpose of visit?"
Ah Chong: Study lorrr . . . . ."
Friday, January 23, 2009
那一扇车门 关出我们的裂痕 一声就震断了回头的路程 爱无法均分 以后就留给你们 也许用伤害结束爱才更动人 容忍的人其实并不笨 只是宁可对自己残忍 既然爱不能恒温 祝福就给你下一个人 你是好人也是个坏人 对我坦承只为了朝他狂奔 不能放任所以放了 这点痛我还能忍 我是好人也是个坏人 分得够狠你才有借口转身 宁愿爱一点不剩 也不忍看恋人爱成路人 容忍的人其实并不笨 只是宁可对自己残忍 既然爱不能恒温 祝福就给你下一个人 你是好人也是个坏人 对我坦承只为了朝他狂奔 不能放任所以放了 这点痛我还能忍 我是好人也是个坏人 分得够狠你才有借口转身 宁愿爱一点不剩 也不忍看恋人爱成路人 三个人从不对等 总有个人必须牺牲 那永恒就等他带你完成 你是好人也是个坏人 对我坦承只为了朝他狂奔 不能放任所以放了 这点痛我还能忍 我是好人也是个坏人 分得够狠你才有借口转身 宁愿爱一点不剩 也不忍看恋人爱成路人 宁愿爱一点不剩 也不忍看恋人爱成路人
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
the most shocking of alllll shockers.... was it..? haix.... not sure.....
the night in Rock road seafood restaurant....
er...... it alllll starts with a diinner plan...... n...... so we were here in this outside look old but inside look elegant restaurant.......... d dinnner actually start at 6.30.... but ler..... with all the halangan-s including from my 1 years young baby nephew who vomitted n caused around 20 minutes more time for his family to reach here because of the mess of his "spilled solution"... so... while we[ Fui che che + her husband + her daughter + her son + her cousin(me) + her man ku(my mama) + her uncle( my dada)] waited PATIENTLY for those 'late-comers'... shhhh..... no lar... jk only... followed by Ah neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee che che + family then the Ah chun ko ko family.... so ther we started d dinner at 7.31 min 11 sec... -.-'''' was that too accurate...? -.-''''.... crap.... those who serves here r either tooo girl-ish or tooooooooo 'cigaret'-smelled... but those r jux the little.... haix.. not sure... -.-'''... anyway..... here the fooooodddddddddddd comes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheese wat... i forgot the name d..... it's alll time fav!!!
Kari + butter + PRAWN!!!!
MISSION accoplish.... *erk..........*
the sacred wine YARD.....
the KLI MAx
we saw A NATIONAL BADMINTON PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MR. Kooooooooooo K.K...... Evvryone(my family only la.... others got hang bulb at thiers eyes so dont know) shhhoooook hands with him while i was having muscle cramp everywher throughout my body... -.-'''''' wannna see his pic wait ar...
sorryyy... not in service.......
Friday, December 26, 2008
ChristMas dAy 2008!
X'mas 2008
That morning.... as usual la... the Holy Trinity church 7.30 mass... haix.... so early.... make me n Isaiah(my nephew who "CHECKS-IN" everytime he come back from KL) have to wake up soooooooooooooooooooooooooo early arh...... duh........ but depressingly..... though we woke up early.... as "early" as 6.55... we were able to reach da church by.. er..... 7.15... i think... then we were lucky to find place to sit......... but we were separated from dad n mum... so basicly.... it was the christmas ATmospHere in the church that keeps us( 'the' me n my nephew) awake... for a while only la.... then 'curi tidur' while father was giving his "saman"... -.-'''... u know la.... the head is like fishers pulling n letting go thier rod(up n down. up n down).. but we did it so'pro-ly'
when we woke up...... of coz father finish his 'saman' liaw la.... then we act lik we understood every SINGLE yes SINGLE word he've jux said... lol... anyway... after that... YESH... the time of FOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Breakfast la.... AT PRemier 101... wa.... go there make me so "wei fong" ne... got one GIRL so SHi-Ok mannnnnnnnn...... my eyes jux glued on her.... but luckily..... im jux toooo good to be found out by the others wat i was doing expect the girl... -.-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' <- wa my left side of my face is longer so can sweat more... paise..... -.-'''.....
need me to intro????
after FOOD TIME.................................... we went to AH KIK's house.... sure u dont know who wan la... then we went to MUM's elder 'bra' a.k.a. bro de bouse... n meet everyone ther to wish 'em merry Christmas..... but i dint take any pic..... coz i not desperate la... haiyo.......
there she is........ stilll blur blur.... squeezing wat eva PINK thing it is....
random......... er.... quite random........ but quite random already...
DINNER time!!!! at a restaurant behind Hock LeE...
nooodles nTAUHU
RAnDOM but being "identified" by Ivory as BIBLE!!!! -.-
SEe!!!! ISaiah.... er... licking while bitting while smelling the PORK????!!! O.o
Friday, November 7, 2008
给我一首歌的时间 ....
雨淋湿了天空 灰得很讲究 你说你不懂 为何在这时牵手 我晒干了沉默 灰得很冲动 就算这是做错 也只是怕错过 在一起走 分开了走 是不是说 没有做完的梦最痛 迷路的过后 我能承受 这最后的出口 在爱过了才有 能不能给我一首歌的时间 紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远 在我的怀里你不用太多失眠 如果你想忘记我也能失忆 能不能给我一首歌的时间 把故事听到最后才说再见 你送我的眼泪 让它留在雨天 越过你划的线 我定了勇气的终点 雨淋湿了天空 灰得很讲究 你说你不懂 为何在这时牵手 我晒干了沉默 灰得很冲动 就算这是做错 也只是怕错过 在一起走 分开了走 是不是说 没有做完的梦最痛 迷路的后果 我能承受 这最后的出口 在爱过了才有 能不能给我一首歌的时间 紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远 在我的怀里你不用害怕失眠 如果你想忘记我也能失忆 能不能给我一首歌的时间 把故事听到最后才说再见 你送我的眼泪 让它留在雨天 越过你划的线 我定了勇气的终点 你说我不该 不该 不该在这时候说了我爱你 要怎么证明我没有说谎的力气 请告诉我暂停算不算放弃 我只有一天的回忆 能不能给我一首歌的时间 紧紧的把那拥抱变成永远 在我的怀里你不用太多失眠 如果你想忘记我也能失忆 能不能给我一首歌的时间 把故事听到最后才说再见 你送我的眼泪 让它留在雨天 越过你划的线 我定了勇气的终点
to be or not to be... is a question
to be or not to be a person of what other people expect u to be will always end up having a question mark of whether the objective is logical.... for everyone to change.. we need to change ourself... that is logical... but for other people to change... it will always remain a question.. so... WHY would people expect we the creation of our LOVING GOD being expected to change for certain stupid reasons set by our selfish thinking!??!!!!
to or not to be is a question - a popular quote by williams shakespear-
to or not to be is a question - a popular quote by williams shakespear-
isn't trying to change for the sack of fulfilling people's expectations is kinda "so stupid"? then why would this "trying to change people" 's thinking can continue till this very so called modern era??????? isn't it like what we always say as... eating our own words???? weird weird weird world....
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